These are the stoves to use when you are car- or base-camping where weight and bulk are not issues. Coupled with the required propane fuel canister, these are not practical for backpacking long distances. A better option for backpacking trips would be to rent one or more of our small, lightweight backpacking canister stoves.
Our rental is a cheap price to be able to crank out some tasty pancakes at the campground. We love renting gear, and we offer these for convenience, but frankly you might consider buying one instead. We have to charge more than we'd like, especially for this 2-burner, due to the cleaning required and the clunkiness and weight of the stove for shipping. We do not include fuel with the stove rental.
These stoves operate in much the same fashion as your propane-fueled backyard grill - turn the valve; light it with a match, and you're ready to cook. We like these stoves because of their decent-sized burners that will handle larger pots and skillets, and their easy controls.
Each burner cranks out about 10,000 BTU, which means you can burn your eggs while camping just as quick as if you fell asleep at your big range at home. These stoves are fueled by 16.4 ounce propane cylinders which are available virtually anywhere - WalMart, Target, hardware stores, outdoor outlets, etc. They are typically green canisters about the size of a 2 liter soda bottle, just shorter. Each cylinder will last about one hour on high; up to 4.5 hours on low. The fuel is pretty cheap at around $4 or so; take an extra cylinder in the car with you to make sure you had enough to get through a weekend trip.
It is worth noting that you can't take these on an airline so keep that in mind. They will also work with the bulk propane cylinder - that mini-keg-sized one - you probably already have at home, but an adaptor that we don't offer is needed. Suggestion - try it out at home and master the temperature settings there first for a few minutes before using it at camp - that way you can impress your camp guests with your backwoods culinary skills, even if it's your first trip out. For more information on .
The stove we send may vary from the photo but will be comparable or better quality and function.
Minimum rental is 3 days
3 Days: $25
Days 4-21: $2 per day
For longer-term rentals, call for quote